All about Poland

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Poland Fast Facts
  • Country:
  • Republic of Poland
  • Area:
  • 312,685 km2
  • Population:
  • 38,186,860
  • Capital city:
  • Warsaw
  • Languages:
  • Polish
  • Currency:
  • Złoty (PLN)
  • Country dialing code:
  • 48
  • Religion:
  • Roman Catholic 89.8% (about 75% practicing), Eastern Orthodox 1.3%, Protestant 0.3%, other 0.3%, unspecified 8.3% (2002)
  • Drives on:
  • Right

Poland is orthodox and modern at the same time; lively and quite at the same time. It is just amazing to read the Polish history. It has been through so much and there is no match to the kind of fight a Pole can put up for his rights and requirements. They say, 10 men against a determined Pole, bet your heart that the Pole would win. That is the spirit of Poland. That is what the soil of Poland breeds and when you are here, you would know how much a Pole could do for an ethical man. If you carefully observe, people of Poland or Poles as we majorly call them here, are very proud. A polish proverb says that “If you are asked to live with your head low, better ask the man to shoot you”. They don’t just say, but believe and do. That is what brought about the long sought independence of Poland from the Nazi Germany and from the Soviet Union. Now it is known as Republic of Poland and the country is one of the small countries on this side of the world; small but efficient and proud.

The language of the Polish is very refined and sounds good to the ears. The food again is almost the same. It is a saying that a food buff could live here through out his life and never had a bad day in his life. That is true because, Polish cuisine is just so mouthwatering. The Polish food has a variety of options, something for all sorts of taste buds could be easily found here. The taste ranges from very simple to rich and exotic. There is an option of National staple food or the regional food or the seasonal food. Various fish dishes are also popular in the country.

Poland offers its visitor a range of shopping options. You could be shopping glass paintings or some other handicraft items. However, you could also go to the shopping malls and see for yourself if you like something. The Poland offers you a wider range of options to choose from. International brands alongside the territorial exquisites make it interesting to go shopping around the country. Then, there is the nightlife of the country of which, I am quite sure you would find real exciting.


The city was completely destroyed during the World War II. Then, it has been rebuilt and this newly built city looks more like a painting. The city rebuilding designs have been closely inspired by the classical paintings of Canaletto. Warsaw happens to be the capital city and thus the most hustle bustle town of the country. You could observe cutting edge shopping malls as well as some street sellers selling small handicrafts. It is amazing how Warsaw, which is less than a 100 years old city, supports and houses such a huge population. Not just that, it also absorbs and retains whoever come its way.


It is an old city that was rebuilt after the Second World War. It is easy to reach here as it is located alongside the Baltic coast. In fact there are a few sea resorts which is a cool way to spend your time while vacationing. It definitely is a good experience.


The place for all the merchants and traders. This is considered to be the birthplace of the Polish nation. There stands the oldest church of the country in this town.


The place where you could see the Renaissance architecture. It is a well preserved town with typical Polish culture. It is commonly known as the Lublin Renaissance here.


The city is a major wonderland in itself. It has been rebuilt on 12 islands. It has a lot of bridges, in fact more bridges than any other European town except Venice, Amsterdam and Hamburg. I strongly suggest and recommend you to visit Wroclaw if you love bridges and water sports.

Poland could well have been named war land in the middle era. It was always at war with some country or the other. There was a big question mark as Russia as well as Germany had wanted the territory real badly and the battle was fought over years. Young Polish were captured and sent to army camps to other countries. However, Poland revived herself by the sheer focus on empowerment through education. Polish all over the world are respected and identified as people with high cultural and ethical values of their own.

It would be a good experience to be guiding you and your company around the country for a short tour.

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